Welcome to 4D Performance Where We Help Organizations within Emerging Countries to Attract, Develop and Retain Talent

4D Performance is a boutique HR consulting firm that provides customized solutions on issues or problems that impact employee performance and productivity to be located directly under the pictures since it introduces the company.
4D Performance is a spin off from Careers In Transition, Inc. which celebrated 20 years of progressive and on-going success, in America. 4D Performance is a boutique HR consulting firm that provides customized solutions on issues or problems that impact employee performance and productivity.
Through research and multiple visits throughout Asia since 2012, the CEO and CSO believe that Asia will surpass America in being an economic powerhouse. Based on our global experience, we can support Asian organizations and Multinational Corporations in becoming more competitive to contribute to the economic growth that is predicted.
Past Clients of Dr. Indigo
Government, Corporate & Education

4D Performance LLC.
United States | Malaysia | Singapore | Kenya | Tanzania
+60163487121 – whatsapp | +255795555010 – Local Line