Company History

Dr. Indigo Triplett, CEO, Author and Speaker started the company after experiencing much success as a business woman in the United States and internationally. It is Dr. Indigo and Mr. Sinclair’s sincere desire to offer wise strategies for performance and productivity, which they adopted as their slogan. We offer an array of products and services, but our main stay is to increase and improve results for an organization. Over the years, they have found their niche, which is to provide customized solutions to reoccurring issues that impact an organization’s Human Capital, personnel or human resources. Dr. Indigo and Mr. Sinclair completed their respective internships through CRCC Asia. They were both placed within corporations located in Beijing, China. Mr. Sinclair supported a company in marketing and social media based on his ability to speak Mandarin, which makes him instrumental in the success of expanding throughout Asia. Dr. Indigo offered speaking engagements centered on her book series Playing by the Unwritten Rules. Based on the receptiveness of the Chinese audience, the University of Hong Kong flew her to Shanghai to present to HR managers who graduated from the university.  The two experienced profound success in Asia and believe that they can impact the market and support the region in becoming more competitive in the global market.

Mission and Vision

To provide customized and creative solutions to reoccurring employee problems and issues that impact employers by delivering exceptional products and services that exceed our client’s expectations while demonstrating a stellar and result-oriented reputation.